belt, beaded
belt, beaded
belt, beaded

Belt made of beads, woven with hair. Anishinaabeg or Haudenosaunee, probably made in the 18th century.
The belt's style suggests it is Anishinaabeg or Haudenosaunee.
The British Museum object catalogue and the GRASAC research team's onsite discussion at the British Museum.
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Made of white and very dark blue glass beads strung upon 17 warp threads of dark brown hair, possibly animal hair. The 2 outer warps on either side are red and could be dyed animal hair. The wefts are made of vegetable fibre.
Loom woven? Warps are braided for a portion and then twisted. Study on close up photography
9 pairs of white hollow squares.
This item was found with no documentation. The materials with which the belt was made suggest a date of manufacture somewhere in the 18th century.
About This GRASAC Record
Unknown Annishinabeg/Haudenosaunee artist, belt, beaded. Currently in the British Museum, Am,Cd.56. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007; GRASAC item id 26428.
This record was created as part of a Great Lakes Research Alliance for the Study of Aboriginal Arts and Cultures (GRASAC) research trip to the Pitt Rivers Museum and British Museum, December 8-22 2007, funded by a grant from the International Opportunities fund of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Researchers present: Heidi Bohaker (HB), John Borrows (JB), Lindsay Borrows (LB), Alan Corbiere (AC), Henrietta Lidchi (HL), Stacey Loyer (SL), Janis Monture (JM), Bruce Morito (BM), Ruth Phillips (RP), Anne De Stecher (AS), Cory Willmott (CW).