Beaded flap for a pouch

Beaded flap for a pouch

Beaded flap for a pouch

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Beaded flap for a pouch, made with black wool fabric, black sateen fabric and silk. Mistissini- Cree pre-1910, collected by Frank G. Speck.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

NMAI catalog card.

Place of Origin: Mistissini
Date Made or Date Range: 1800s to 1910

Made of black wool fabric, black sateen fabric, silk, glass beads, sinew, and thread.

Motifs and Patterns

The organic design has a bilateral symmetry. Two "leaves" are outlined with a second colour, the edge is trimmed with beads.

Original and Subsequent Uses

According to Cath Oberholtzer this item is a flap for a pouch and the orientation is correct, although the NMAI suggests "beadwork for cap" with the flap inverted.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

NMAI catalog card.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 2/8914
GKS Reference Number: 26427
How to Cite this Item

Item to be cited by accession number, collection and institution.

Record Creation Context

Record created as part of practicum, fall 2008.

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