pipe stem
pipe stem
pipe stem

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carved wood
Flat "puzzle style" pipe stem carved of butternut (?). One edge was cut away and replaced to form the smoke channel.
Eight pierced designs: two hearts, two circles, two groups of parallel rectangles, one hour glass, and one large rectangle. On one surface of the pipe stem the hearts and circles are surrounded by a series of carved out triangles, the hour glass and rectangles by a carved out hour glass and rectangles. On the other surface of the pipe stem all the designs except for the two groups of two parallel rectangles are surrounded by a series of carved out triangles. The two groups of two parallel rectangles are enclosed by an engraved line composed of interconnected triangles. The carved out and engraved portions bear traces of primarily red pigment with some blue-green pigment also in evidence.
About This GRASAC Record
This item was not discussed by GRASAC team members during their on site visit to the DIA, May 2010.