whimsey, beaded canoe

whimsey, beaded canoe

whimsey, beaded canoe

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A beaded whimsey in the shape of a miniature canoe. Hodenosaunee, made for the Victorian tourist trade around 1908. The year 1908 is beaded on one side, and "Forget Me Not" is beaded on the other side. Part of the Woodland Cultural Centre's Jamieson Collection.

Nation of Maker: Hodenosaunee/Haudenosaunee
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

This style of beadwork was made by Hodenosaunee artists for the tourist trade.

Date Made or Date Range: 1908
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Accession record.


polished cotton, blue; cotton, red; cotton thread, beige; hard cardboard or other material to give the canoe shape; beads, size 12 translucent yellow, grey, greasy yellow, opaque white, beads, size 10 clear, translucent purple/grey; bugle beads, blue; sequins; bric-a-brac

Techniques or Format

Pieces of cardboard or another hard material covered with fabric - blue on the inside and red on the outside. Raised beadwork decorates the canoe. The handle is made from two strings of beads twisted together. A tassel of looped beaded fringe hangs on either side of the canoe.

Motifs and Patterns

The year 1908 is beaded on one side of the canoe. "Forget Me Not" is beaded on the other side.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

This year is beaded onto the canoe.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 994.14.135
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1994-12-19
GKS Reference Number: 25443
Record Creation Context

This record was made during a GRASAC and dissertation research visit to the Woodland Cultural Centre, July 4-8 2011.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

Researchers present: Stacey Loyer and Joanna Miller.

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