picture frame, beaded

picture frame, beaded

picture frame, beaded

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A late 19th or early 20th century Haudenosaunee beaded picture frame from Six Nations decorated with bird and floral motifs, with the message "Think of Me" beaded on the bottom. Made by Mrs. Emma Henry. The frame contains a photograph of Chief Jobe Charlie. Acquired by the Woodland Cultural Centre from George Maracle in 1994.

Nation of Maker: Hodenosaunee/Haudenosaunee
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Tag attached "Made by the late Mrs. Emma Henry S.N. Reserve"

Date Made or Date Range: 1880s to 1920s
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Catalogue card


cotton beige; velvet, red; cotton edging, blue; cardboard?; thread; size 12 seed beads, various colours

Techniques or Format

The frame is made of cardboard or another type of solid material, covered with fabric. The back and inside of the frame is covered with a beige cotton, while the front is covered with red velvet. The front is edged with a blue cotton fabric and decorated with beadwork. On the top is a beaded bird, and floral motifs decorate either side. The message "Think of Me" is beaded along the bottom. A decorative looped edge of multi-coloured beads surrounds the frame. Inside the frame is a photograph of Chief Jobe Charlie.

Motifs and Patterns

Bird and floral motifs.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

style of beadwork

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 994.7.15
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: July 11, 1994
Collection Narratives and Histories

Acquired by the Woodland Cultural Centre from George Maracle in 1994.

GKS Reference Number: 25348
Record Creation Context

Created on July 7, 2011, on a research trip to Woodland Cultural Centre. Researchers present: Stacey Loyer and Joanna Miller.

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