Moccasin vamps

Moccasin vamps

Moccasin vamps

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Moccasin vamps made of canvas, embroidered with glass beads. Mistassini Cree, pre-1910. Collected by Frank G. Speck.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

NMAI catalog record.

Place of Origin: Mistissini
Date Made or Date Range: 1880s to 1910

Made of glass beads, canvas, cotton fabric, thread and sinew.

Motifs and Patterns

Stylized floral design includes four-lobed flower, rosebud and tri-lobed flower surrounded by a solidly beaded background. The design on each vamp is a mirror image of the other. Four-lobed flower is beaded with three different colours: one for the centre, and the second colour outlining the main colour of the petal.

Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Cath Oberholtzer, "Material Culture of the Mistassini Cree: Local Expression or Regional Style?" Papers of the Thirty-sixth Algonquian Conference. Christoph Wolfart, editor. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba, 312.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 2/8913
GKS Reference Number: 25204
How to Cite this Item

Item to be cited by accession number, collection and institution.

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