garter, heddle woven

garter, heddle woven

garter, heddle woven

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Nation of Maker: Other
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

PMAE catalog says "Winnebagou or Puount" as well as "Sauk?"

Date Made or Date Range: 1800-1820s

PMAE catalog record: Wool; Fiber on wool and Cotton Yarns.
On site examination by AL, CW, DP: Pony beads (white, black).

Techniques or Format

PMAE catalog record: <br>
"Heddle -woven garter with irregular white and black pound or "pony" beads patterned over wool and cotton threads. An example of what Orchard (1975:119-21) called "square weave" with the warp (red wool and blue cotton yarns, braided at the ends) and weft (blue wool) threads crossing at right angles. At the beginning edge of the weaving there are two rows of twining using a plant fiber (probably bast)cordage."
On site examination by AL, CW, DP: Heddle woven red warps (middle)+2+2 blue cord warps on outer edges; weft = blue yarn.

Motifs and Patterns

Five sideways hourglass motifs with bars cutting across the center. (CW)

Condition: Fiber disintegrating at one end. Some beads lost. (CW)
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

Collected by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis.

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: 99-12-10/53005
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1899
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 1803-1806
Collection Narratives and Histories

Collected from source community by William Clark and Meriwther Lewis during the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

GKS Reference Number: 25010
Record Creation Context

Cory Willmott, Alan Corbiere, Adrianna Grecci Green and David Penney conducted research on site at the Peabody Museum for Archaeology and Ethnology in July 2007 with help from Susan Haskell and Patricia Capone of the PMAE. Cory Willmott's research was funded by a grant from the American Philosophical Society. Al Corbiere was supported through Ruth Phillips's SSHRC Canada Research Chair Funding. An internal grant from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville provided Cory with an RA, Ceara Horsley, for 2009 and 2010 to work on GRASAC data entry. (CW & CH)

Record Creation Notes/Observations

Item viewed on 07/13/2007 at the PMAE by DP, CW and AC.<br> This item was viewed at PMAE in a small upstairs room that had low light levels with limited time and access to electricity. This resulted in poor image quality on photographs and short, hand written notes. Information for this item was generated during on site examination of the researchers, Alan Corbiere, David Penny, and Cory Willmott.

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