display panel, miniatures
display panel, miniatures
display panel, miniatures

An Anishinaabe rectangular framed wooden display panel with miniatures of a mokuk, birchbark bowl, canoe, moccasins, bow and arrow, cradleboard with beaded mossbag, snowshoes, and drawstring hide bag. List of items with Anishinaabemowin terms written in graphite on the back of the panel.
Museum documentation, objects appear Anishinaabe. Also, "Chippewa Tribe" written on back of panel
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wood, commercially planed maple; flat headed nails; metal staples; moose or deer hide for background; native tanned hide, probably moose(?), deer hide; birchbark; spruce root or sinew(?); pink or beige string used for snowshoes; glass beads; pitch on canoe.
Panel and frame are made of wood secured with nails and staples, piece of hide serves as the background for the display. Mokuk, bowl and canoe are made of birchbark sewn with spruce root or possibly sinew. Bow and arrow are made of wood, with string for bow. Snowshoes are made of wood with pink and beige string for netting. Drawstring bag and moccasins are made with tanned hide and sewn with string. Cradleboard is made of wood, bow is secured with string, and attached moss bag is made of tanned hide ornamented with beadwork.
Floral beadwork on mossbag. Written on the back of the display panel is a list of the miniature objects with their Anishinaabemowin terms.
There are small vertical string loops above the bow and arrow that may have once held a miniature stone pipe, which is noted on the back of the display panel.
About This GRASAC Record
Visit to Denver Art Museum of Alex Nahwegahbow and Ruth Phillips, assisted by Eric Berkemeyer and Kristin Strid on 22 Jan 2014