
Single man's legging. Hodenosaunee, Onondaga. Collected from the Onondaga Reservation, New York. Acquired by the National Museum of the American Indian in 1906.
Information from catalogue card.
Information from catalogue card.
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dark navy to black woolen cloth, dark reddish brown silken tape, opaque white beads sizes 12 and 10, beige and dark green cotton thread, leather thong.
The beading and ribbon work decorates the bottom edge and just over half of the legging's side. A piece of leather thong is sewn to the top edge. The legging is completely sewn up along the decorated side. The larger beads have been used in the edging stitch, and the smaller ones have been used in the applique pattern.
bottom: from top to bottom: line of single beads/3 bead zig zag/line of single beads/ row of 10 bead "U"s
side: same as bottom
Information from catalogue card.
About This GRASAC Record
This record was created by Stacey Loyer while at the NMAI on a Visiting Student fellowship, November 3-December 15 2009.