toy or model cradelboard

toy or model cradelboard

toy or model cradelboard

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toy or model cradleboard, probably Anishnaabe, second half of 19th century .

Nation of Maker: Ojibwe
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular nation(s)

Old label on back reads: "model. LeBowl tribe Ojibeway Lower Canada (Richmond Museum. Yorks, 1904.132"

Date Made or Date Range: 1850s to 1890s

printed cotton; recyled silk ribbonwork applique; fine navy stroud; wood;

Techniques or Format

Wood cradleboard with attached hoop, wooden doll, fabric covers, ribbonwork applicque cut in rows of triangles

Other Notes

Old label on back reads: "model. LeBowl tribe Ojibeway Lower Canada (Richmond Museum. Yorks, 1904.132"

Dimensions: 12 × 5.5 × 0 cm
Condition: good
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

second half of 19th century

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: A.1904.132 and 132A
GKS Reference Number: 24684
How to Cite this Item

Unknown Ojibway artist, toy or model cradleboard. Currently at National Museums Scotland, A.1904.132 and 132A. Item photographed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip December 2007 in which the author took part; GRASAC item id 24684.

Record Creation Notes/Observations

9 Apr 2007 Ruth Phillips, On-site researchers: Cory Willmott, Heidi Bohaker, Laura Peers, Ruth Phillips, Keith Jamieson, Alan Corbiere, Henrietta Lidchi, Robert Storrie, Chantal Knowles, Brenda McGoff

Approximate Place of Origin
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