tap buckets and yoke for maple sap

tap buckets and yoke for maple sap

tap buckets and yoke for maple sap

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An Anishinaabe set of two tap buckets and a yoke for carrying collected by F.W. Waugh in the 1890s on the north shore of Georgian Bay, Algoma County, Ontario. Part of a set including a second bucket and a yoke with two cords ending in hooks from which to hang the buckets

Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Date Made or Date Range: 1899

bark containers: birchbark, basswood bark (?), spruce gum, wooden rims, probably birch or cedar
yoke: wood, basswood bark

Techniques or Format

high sided bark containers are sewn together with a fibrous material, probably basswood bark. rim of wood is also wrapped with the same material. seams sealed with spruce gum. Yoke is made of wood with cord of braided basswood bark tied to the yoke at one end and to two wooden hooks at the other

Original and Subsequent Uses

part of a set, used with wooden yoke and a second bucket to carry sap from maple trees

Condition: good
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

collector's information

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: E203760
Date of Acquisition by the Institution: 1899
Date Relative was First Removed or Collected from its Community Context: 1890s
GKS Reference Number: 24661
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