female doll

female doll

female doll

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Nation of Maker: Anishinaabe
Date Made or Date Range: 1941
Summary of Source(s) for this Relative

Female doll, Anishinaabe, collected by Dr. Betty Meggers on Manitoulin Island in 1941


doll: hide, cotton cloth and unknown stuffing material; clothing: beige and magenta silk (?), knitted fabric, imitation leather for moccasins, large beads (one heart-shaped), embroidery floss, red pigment, hair (human?), feather, small green glass beads for eyes

Dimensions: 0 × 0 × 24 mm
Reasons for connecting this relative with particular times, materials, styles and uses

collector's information

Catalogue, Accession or Reference Number: E424919
GKS Reference Number: 24480
Approximate Place of Origin
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