aaniish naa

Definition: how are things? (a customary greeting)

aaniish naa
1 how are things? (a customary greeting). Aaniish naa ezhi-bmaadzid?
>How is he? AM1937.rs
. Aaniish naa gaye wii ezhi-bimaadizid nindoogimaam miinawaa aw Peet?
>How is my Chief and how is Pat? AW1941.rn
. Aaniish naa; mii na go aanwi?
>How are things going [with you]; How are things [coming along]? MC2005.cs
. 2 well, so (indicating transition to a new activity or conversational topic). Aaniish naa, mbe sa naa ndaa-ni-maajiik-shin.
>Well, I guess I should be on my way. MC2005.cs
. Aaniish naa, ndaa-bzigwiindkishin sa; nshwaaso-dbagnet zhgo.
>Well, I should get up and plant myself aright; it's just about eight o'clock. MC2005.cs
. Aaniish naa mnik bko'ganan ziiwbak eyaaman?
>So how many mounds of rhubarb do you have? MC2005.cs
. 3 hey!. Aaniish naa! Ngoji zhiwi mkomii-taaswining!
>Hey! Get out of that fridge! MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:
aaniish naa.

Part of speech: Expression/Interjection
Unique ID: n2011498-25-3n
GKS Reference Number: 24158