>pv 1 before. Geyaabi go iw niizho-dbahgan ji-bwaa-nbod mii gii-ndawendang iw wii-zgaswaad, ndoodoom dash gii-gnawenmaan, gii-nenmaan dash go ji-zgaswaanid.
>Still two hours before she died she wanted to have a smoke, and my mother was taking care of her, and she allowed her to have a smoke. AK1976.rs. Gii-aandaanzhesenoon waaskonenjganan jibwaa-zhiibaabzat.
>The lights changed before he went through. MC2005.cs. Ngii-aanzweshkwaa; gii-bi-noonde-maajaa jibwaa-dgoshnaanh oodi endaat.
>I missed her; she came away before I arrived at her place. MC2005.cs. Kina aatebjigen jibwaa-oo-nbaayin.
>Turn off all the lights before you go to bed. MC2005.cs.
>Grammar note: Requires the verb it is attached to be in the conjunct order.
>Full-vowel form: ji-bwaa-.