
Definition: these (an.)

BI 1 these (an.). Aa baabige ogow animoshag maadaanagidoonoog gaye wiinawaa dibaajimotaadiwaad.
>My, right away these dogs started to talk for they were telling each other the news. GM1940.rn
. Mii sa gaye wiinawaa ogow gezhaadigejig gomaapii ogii-medisinaawaan.
>And then after awhile these who were left home longed to see him. GM1940.rn
. "Aa gaawiin gegoo da-disiiwag ogow agwajiing ji-nibaawaad."
>"Oh, nothing will happen to them sleeping outside." GM1940.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Pronoun Animate pronoun
Unique ID: n20114122-27-7n
GKS Reference Number: 24043
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