
Definition: have happen to one in a certain way; have something be wrong with one


endit?; 1 have happen to one in a certain way; have something be wrong with one. "Aa gaawiin gegoo da-disiiwag ogow agwajiing ji-nibaawaad."
>"Oh, nothing will happen to them sleeping outside." GM1940.rn
. 'Aaniish endgit?' ndik; 'Gaawii go gegoo dsii,' ndinaa sa.
>'What's wrong with him?' he says to me; so I say to him, 'There's nothing wrong with him.' MC2005.cs
>Grammar note:
This is known to be an extremely unusual verb in its inflectional behaviour, and is only attested here in a single form.
>Full-vowel form:

Unique ID: n201132720-52-40n
GKS Reference Number: 23884
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