
Definition: midnight, the evening up to midnight (as a unit)

1 midnight, the evening up to midnight (as a unit). Gbe-giizhig da-niimwag gye go nigo aabtaa-dbik.
>There will be dancing all day and until midnight. AM1937.rs
. Da-niimwag gye gwa nigwa aabtaa-dbik.
>They will dance, and till midnight too. AM1937.rs
. Ngo-aabtaa-dbik gii-nmadbi kweji-giishtoot wi mjigoodenh.
>She sat up all evening until midnight trying to finish that dress. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Inanimate noun
Unique ID: n201132516-55-39n
GKS Reference Number: 23758