
Definition: early

1 early. Zaam wiiba.
>It's too early. AM1937.rs
. Aabdeg wiiba ni-maajaa wii-bwaa-n'gajbizat.
>She has to leave early so she doesn't miss the bus. MC2005.cs
. Biidwewdamook binoojiinyik; wiiba iidik gaa-shkwaa-skoonwiyaat.
>The kids are coming shouting; evidently they've finished school early. MC2005.cs
. 2 soon, in a short time. Wiiba giiwenh gmaapiich mii giiwenh go gii-ni-miishkoonskaag go miinwaa.
>In a little while, lots of grass sprouted up. SO1971.rs
. Gye go mii gii-wiidgemaad, gye go mii wiiba gii-yaawaawaad binoojiinyan.
>Then he married her; very soon they had children. AM1937.rs
. Aabdek sa naa gnamaa wiiba da-bgambiza wa mbus.
>I sure hope that the bus arrives soon. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73071960819n
GKS Reference Number: 21932