
Definition: go and [do something], go [do something]

NE 1 go and [do something], go [do something]. Aw dash gwiiwzens gii-zhaa odi gidaaki gii-wi-boodaajged, mii dash gii-noondwaawaad giw nishnaabeg.
>And a small boy went up on a hill where he whistled, so the Indian men heard him. AK1976.rs
. Ngii-wzhitmaag aw ngashi shki-goodaas ge-biiskamaan go eta ji-wi-namhaayaan.
>My mother made me a new dress to wear only for going to church. AK1976.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n73071960362n
GKS Reference Number: 21917