
Definition: properly, good, well

comm. 1 properly, good, well. Weweni dash gii-aabtoojiinaan niw mtigoon.
>He got a good grip round that tree. AM1937.rs
. Weweni giigdan; gaawii gnistataw-snoo.
>Talk properly; I don't understand you. MC2005.cs
. 2 thoroughly, thorough. Weweni biijmaandan.
>Take a good smell of it. AM1937.rs
. Weweni biinchigek jibwaa-maajaayek; ga-moozhgin'gem, ga-gziinaagnem.
>Clean up thoroughly before you leave; you pick things up, you wash the dishes. MC2005.cs
. Bniskwegnan kina wi sleeping bag weweni wii-baatek.
>Unfold that sleeping bag completely so it'll dry thoroughly. MC2005.cs
. Weweni gzii'an wi doopwin.
>Wipe the table thoroughly. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73030622947n
GKS Reference Number: 21896