
Definition: most, to the greatest degree


wyaanji-; e-waanji-; 1 most, to the greatest degree. Wenesh e-waanji-zhoonyaamit?
>Who has the most money? MC2005.cs
. Wenesh e-waanji-gwetaanbatoot?
>Who runs the fastest? MC2005.cs
. Dbishkoo Margaret Atwood gaa-kidat zhiwi mzin'igning Survival ezhnikadek, 'Wa Nishnaabe dbaajmind mzin'igning, na'ii enaajmind, yaawit e-waanji-gdag'ind miinwaa gimaakndawind.'
>As Margaret Atwood notes in Survival, 'The Indian emerges in Canadian literature as the ultimate victim of social oppression and deprivation.' MC2007.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n73034029135n
GKS Reference Number: 21672