>vai NE
>1sIND nda-skooniw;
>3sCCONJ eskoonwit; 1 be at school, go to school, study. Piichi-zaasgokweyaanh dash gegii gga-piichi-zhiitaa wii-o-skoonwiyin.
>But while I'm frying, you get ready to go to school. Wii-mshikiininiikwewit gii-zhi-skoonwi.
>She went to school to be a nurse. MC2005.cs. Kinwaajbiigaade na zhiwi pii waa-maajii-skoonwing?
>Is it marked there when school is going to start? MC2005.cs. Getnaamzin skoonwiyin.
>Work really hard when you go to school. MC2005.cs. Msawaa go gbeyiing zhaazhi skoonwiyaanh waa-zhi-Nishnaabemyaanh, gaa go mshi nnitaa-Nishnaabem-sii.
>Although I've been studying Ojibwe for a long time, I still don't speak it well. MC2007.cs. 2 be educated [as a result of schooling]. Aapji go ngii-gshi'aa wa, gii-gchi-skoonwit nji; gaa go gegoo ge-nji-gnoozhpa, ngii-nendam.
>I was very shy towards her because of her great education; she'd have no reason to talk to me, I thought. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: Iskooniwi.