>av LH 1 today. Ngo-namhe-giizhgak noongo maanda giizhgak mii wii-webkamgak.
>A week from today is when it will begin. Mii-sh go iw gii-nendmaan gaawiin geyaabi maa ndaa-yaasii, mii go noongo ji-maajaayaan."
>So I thought I should not be here any more, so I'm leaving today." Gii-biibaagdaawewak nongo oodi mall=ing; gegeti ngii-wenpazhneyaan taaswin.
>They had a sale at the mall today; I bought a dresser for a really cheap price. MC2005.cs. 2 the current [unit of time referenced], this [time period]. Nongo maanda ngo-giizis e-ni-bmiseg nwii-nbwaachhaa ngwis.
>I'm going to visit my son this month (lit., this one month coming up). 3 now, at this point in time. Megwaa noongo sa maanda pii nanaahtoonaawaa iw exhibit_hall.
>Right now, at this very time, they are putting the exhibit hall into shape. Mr._Bloomfield, gaa gegoo noongo aapji ndannokiisii.
>Mr. Bloomfield, I am not doing anything at all now. Mii aw kwezens ntaawgid mii aw gimaa pii iw enaad, "Mii sa noongo ji-gkinoohmoonaan iw sa ge-ni-naadziyan niigaan.
>A girl first menstruates and the chief at that time says to her, "Now I would instruct you about the way you're going to live in the future. 4 nowadays, in the present, these days. Nongo aabdek gchi-skoonwim.
>These days one has to get a good education. MC2011.cs. Wiikwebjigan ezhnikaadeg noongo giw Nishnaabeg niibna yaabjitoowaad memdage sa weshki-bmaadzijig.
>The Indians even now use a great deal of that which is called love medicine, especially the young people. Mii dash noongo iw wenji-yaawaad giw ngoji debendaagzisgog nishnaabeg.
>And that's why now there are those Indians who don't belong anywhere. 5 this time. Gaa wii nongo nga-ggiibaazmik-sii!
>He won't trick me this time! MC2011.cs. 6 tonight. Giizhoogzhen; wii-gsinaa nii giiyenh nongo.
>Cover up well; it's supposed to be cold tonight. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: nongo.