
Definition: just not [get around to something]

1 just not [get around to something]. Gaa go nnaash bi-giigda-sii; zhaazhi nsing ndoo-n'gadmawaa messages.
>She just isn't calling back; I left messages for her three times already. MC2005.cs
. 2 (for) an extended period of time. Gmaapii-sh giiwenh go naa zhagjibiihaan giiwenh niwi wiijkiwenyan, gaa giiwenh nnaazh dgoshisiiwan.
>After a while, he (the first fellow) became anxious waiting for his friend, as he had not returned after a long time. SO1971.rs
. Gbe-giizhig da-niimwag gye go nnaazh ji-aabtaadbikak.
>There will be dancing all day and until midnight. AM1937.rs
. 3 until. Mii dash gii-zhaad widi ezhi-gomnid niw zhiishiiban gii-bbaa-zgigaadepnaad kina nnaazh go kina gii-dkobjiged iw sabaab.
>Then he went to where those ducks were swimming and went about tying them all by the legs until he had used the whole cord in tying them. AM1937.rs
. Maampii dzhi-nokiin nnaazh ji-naawkweg.
>Work here until noon. AM1937.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73033818000n
GKS Reference Number: 20459