>ni comm.
>pl mtigoonsan; 1 stick [of wood], branch [of a tree or other woody plant]. Mtigoonsan nmiijnan.
>I eat branches. Mookmaanens gii-giishkkojgen mtigoons.
>With his pocket-knife he whittled through the stick. Mitigoonsan ogiinikokwadaanan.
>He sharpens sticks to a point. AW1941.rn. 2 stick or shoot used as a switch or other makeshift tool. Miinwaa mtigoons gii-nokaazon gii-bshanzhehang iw bkwezhgan menpogok, gye go gii-gaagaashkjiihang.
>Then she charred a switch and whipped that tasty bread and scraped it clean. 3 bush, small plant. Ogii-ganawaabandaanan aniw mitigoonsan.
>He saw those bushes. AW1941.rn. Gaye wii gedaganagekwak daa-izhinikaadewan anonda mitigoonsan.
>And theses bushes here will be called Spotted Bark. AW1941.rn.
>Full-vowel form: mitigoons.