>pv comm. 1 since, from such point in time. Aabdaangzhe go aanwi eko-shkwaa-skoonwit.
>Fortunately, he's been working steadily since he finished school. MC2005.cs. Niiwo-bboongat gaa-ko-maajtaapa oodi nakiit wa.
>It's four years since he started working there. MC2005.cs. Bi-ko-gaachiinyit go maakzi wa.
>That person's been maimed since he was small. MC2005.cs. 2 as far as [a certain point]. Biinish Baawting ngii-ko-wiijiiwgonaa.
>He went with us as far as Sault Ste. Marie. MC2005.cs. 3 [for] a long time, as long as. Mii dash gaa-naawaad, Biindig go maanoo da-yaayan eko-gshkihewziyan.
>Then they told him, "Be sure to stay in there as long as you can stand it." AM1937.rs.
>Full-vowel form: ako.