>ni comm.
>1poss ndakiim;
>dim kiins;
>loc kiing;
>pl kiin; 1 earth, ground, land. Ki sa giiwenh ngoding gii-mooshkhangoba, mii-sh giiwenh Nenbozh bmaadgaad iidig.
>Once the earth was covered with water, and Nenabush was swimming around. "Ki ndaa-zhitoon, giishpin naadmawyeg," wdinaan giiwenh.
>"I can make some land, if you all help me," he told them. Gegoo giiwenh gii-gwaaksinni bngii kiins wshkanzhiing, aapji go naa bngii.
>Just a little bit of earth, a very small amount, was stuck to his [an earth-diver's] claws. Mii-sh giiwenh waawaashkeshiinsan miinwaa gii-naad wadi wii-zhaanid kiing, bbaa-mbabgwaashkni giiwenh wa waawaashkeshiins.
>So he told the little deer to go out on the land, and that little deer went around jumping up and down. 2 one's sovereign land, the land one owns. "Gdakiimnaa gwii-mkamgoomi, gbogsenmin dash wii-naadmawyang ge giinwi, mii go wii-shkwaa-dakiimyang giishpin."
>"Our land will be taken away from us, and I am appealing to you to help us all, for we will no longer have a country if you don't help." Jaaggahaanaawaa niibna dakiimwaan giw Nishnaabeg.
>Those Indians are clearing much of their land. Gii-giishkwebnaawaan niwin nishnaaben, mii dash gii-ggiibaazmaawaat ki.
>They got the Indians drunk, then they cheated them out of the land. MC2005.cs. Msawaa go aanawii-kweji-ntoowaat Nishnaabe-bmaadziwin gonda zhaagnaashak gaa-bi-gimaawjik maanpii kiing, geyaabi go bmaadziimgat maanda.
>Even though they tried to kill off the Nishnaabe culture, these immigrants who came to rule over the land, it is still alive. MC2007.cs.
>Full-vowel form: aki|i.