
Definition: conjuror, shaker (in traditional ceremonies)

jiiskiiwninwak; 1 conjuror, shaker (in traditional ceremonies). Mii dash iw gii-gnoon'gowaad niw nishnaaben nebwaakaanjin, "Ambe gegoo zhichgen, wi-ndawaabam aw sa jiiskiiwnini, odi Daawaa-mnising gga-zhaa."
>And then a wise Indian spoke to them, "Now do something, go and look for the shaking tent shaman, you're to go there to Manitoulin Island." AK1976.rs
. Gii-biinaad niw jiiskiiwninwan mii dash gaa-kidod aw, "Gaawiin waya maa kwe besho da-yaasii."
>He brought the shaking tent shaman, and this one said, "No woman is to be nearby." AK1976.rs
. Mii dash gaa-naad aw nmishoomis, "Gego nsaaken mii go eta go iw gegoo ji-zhi-gshkihewzisig," mii gaa-naad aw nmishoomis niw jiiskiiwninwan.
>And my grandfather said to him, "Don't kill him, but only something so he won't have power," that's what my grandfather said to the shaking tent shaman. AK1976.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Animate noun
Unique ID: n73028441857n
GKS Reference Number: 16989
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