
Definition: Ojibwa, Ojibway

Jibwek; 1 Ojibwa, Ojibway. Widi giiwednong gye go ebngishmog gii-bi-njibaawag giw Naadweswag gaa-bi-mwinewaajig niw Jibwen maanpii nikekmig.
>From the North and from the West came those Iroquois to attack the Ojibwe here in this part of the country. AM1937.rs
. Naan'godnong ge wiinwaa miinwaa gii-bskaabiiwag giw sa Naadweswag iw dash gchi-miigaadwaad maa endnakiiwaad giw sa Jibweg.
>Sometimes those Hurons would come back here and fight fiercely where the Ojibwe dwelt. AM1937.rs
. Mii dash iw wenji-zhiingenimaad aw Naadawe Odaawaan Ojibwen: gii-naadamaadiwag gii-nisaawaad.
>That is why that Huron hates the Ottawa and Ojibwa: they joined together to kill them. AW1941.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Animate noun
Unique ID: n73028340969n
GKS Reference Number: 16850
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