
Definition: will, shall

comm. 1 will, shall. Btaakshinan wadi ngoji, mii go ji-nwadnaman, ji-debbidooyan go naa.
>When you hit something down there, then just grab it, and hold on." SO1971.rs
. Mii dash wi ji-maajtaayaan ji-dbaajmag Niibaakhom.
>I will now begin to tell the story of Nibakom. SO1971.rs
. "Mii go waabang go ji-maajaayang."
>"We will leave at dawn." SO1971.rs
. Miinwaa dash gnabaj besho ji-boontaayaang.
>But I daresay the time is near when we shall stop working. AM1937.rs
>Grammar note:
Requires conjunct order.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n73028038108n
GKS Reference Number: 16849
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