>na comm.
>loc giisoong;
>pl giisook; 1 sun. Bi-mookse giizis.
>The sun is rising. Nnoopnanig giizis.
>The sun is following me. Gaawii gkendaag-sinoo biimskoshkaak ki; giizis wiin daa-giitaabza nendaagot.
>It's not evident that the earth spins; it seems as if it's the sun that goes around. MC2005.cs. Eshkam wiikaa ni-bngishmo wa giizis maanda ni-mnookmik.
>The sun sets later and later as spring wears on. MC2005.cs. 2 month. Ningii-bi-maajaa iwidi Shogar_Aylan maaba giizis gii-niizhwaasogwanagizid.
>I left Sugar Island on the seventh of this month to come here. AW1941.rn. Ganabaj idash awedi giizis agizod midaaswi-ashi-naanogwanagizid mii iw wii-ashkwaa-gakinoohamaageyaan.
>Probably on the fifteenth of next month I shall be done with my teaching. AW1941.rn.
>Full-vowel form: giizis|w.