Six Nations Surrender of Land to be Granted in Fee Simple
Six Nations Surrender of Land to be Granted in Fee Simple
Six Nations Surrender of Land to be Granted in Fee Simple

A Six Nations surrender of 381,480 acres of land along the Grand River to be granted in fee simple to several persons as stated in an attached schedule. See IT031 – Original
First Nation surrendering lands
Treaty document
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parchment, black ink, wax, pink ribbon
Description of Surrendered Land:
Joseph Brant Thayendanegea, Sachem and Chief Warrior of the Six Nations, surrendered unto His Majesty certain parcels of land containing 381,480 acres, which the said Nations held of His said Majesty by authority granted in 1784. Thayendanegea also requested that the land be granted in fee simple to several persons mentioned in an attached schedule. David William Smith, Captain William Claus, and Alexander Stewart were named as trustees in whose names any monies arising upon the sale of lands shall be held in trust for the Indians. The lands surrendered are as follows:
No. 1 - Beginning at the south-west corner of block no. 2; then running sixteen degrees east, nine hundred and ninety-one chains seventy-two links; north, seventy-seven degrees east, nine hundred and sixty chains; then north sixteen degrees west, nine hundred and ninety-eight chains fifty-one links to a beech tree; then south seventy-seven west, nine hundred and sixty chains to the place of beginning; sold to Philip Stedman
No. 2 - Beginning at the north-west corner of block number one, then running north seventy-seven degrees nine hundred and sixty chains to a beech tree; then north sixteen degrees west four hundred and forty-two chains; then north thirty-eight degrees thirty minutes west four hundred and sixty one chains; then north seven degrees fifteen minutes east two hundred chains; then south sixty-four degrees thirty minutes west eleven hundred and forty-six chains to a beech tree; then south thirty-eight degrees thirty minutes east six hundred and ninety-seven chains to a sugar maple tree; then south sixteen degrees east one hundred and forty-four chains to the place of beginning; sold to Richard Beasely, James Wilson and St. John Batiste Rousseau
No. 3 - Beginning at a beech tree on the north-west corner of block number two; then running north sixty-four degrees thirty minutes east eleven hundred and forty-six chains; then north seven degrees fifteen minutes east fifty chains; then north forty-five degrees east two hundred and eight chains and sixty links; then north forty-five degrees west nine hundred and sixty chains; then south forty-five degrees west five hundred and twenty-three chains; then south seven degrees fifteen minutes west one thousand chains to a beech tree to the place of beginning. Sold to William Wallace.
No. 4 - Beginning at the south-east corner of block number three; then north forty five degrees east two hundred and ninety-seven chains; then north forty-five degrees west nine hundred and sixty chains; then south forty-five degrees west two hundred and ninety-seven chains, then south forty-five degrees east nine hundred and sixty chains to the place of beginning. Sold.
J. McDonnell, Lt. Col. 2nd Batt, R.C. Vrs. Comg. in Upper Canada
H. McDonnell, Captain 2nd Royal Canadians
W. Claus, Supt. I.A.
James Davidson, Surgeon 2nd Batt. R.C.V.
Andrew Cameron, 2nd M'r 2nd Batt. R.C.V.
W. Johnson Chew
First Nations Signatories:
Jos. Brant Thayendanegea
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 23-25.
About This GRASAC Record
15 January 1798, Six Nations Surrender of Land to be Granted in Fee Simple, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1841, Reel T-9938, GAD REF IT032,, (heritage item id no. 3269, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
43.2557, -79.0718
Location of treaty lands