
Definition: across a body of water

comm. 1 across a body of water. Mii dash go gaa-bmi-giizhiitaawaad, mii dash go ge wadi gaaming zhaagnaashii-kiwewin gii-mdwe-mbaabiignamwaad.
>When they were finished, across the water they (the allies) had also raised the British flag in the distance.
. Naanoomayahiinh dash ningashiban bimishkaawaad ogii-waabandaanaawaan iwidi agaaming inagakeyaa bi-onjibideg biisitaaganan gaye bimi-oskwaazigotood awegwen iidog imaa naamiindim gaa-bimizidogwen.
>Some time ago when my mother and others were paddling along in a canoe, they saw over there across the water on the other side bubbles which were coming over and also a tidal wave coming along from an unknown source as though someone passed there under the water. GM1940.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73016049774n
GKS Reference Number: 14793
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