>vai comm.
>1sIND ndazhiike;
>3sCCONJ endzhiikwet; 1 frequent a certain place, hang around someplace. Pane zhanda bmi-dzhiike wa; gaawii iidik gegoo eyaanzig waa-nan'kiit oodi endaat.
>That guy always hangs around here; he must not have anything to do over there at his place. MC2005.cs. 2 be occupied in a certain place, either working or playing. Mii dash maaba nishnaabe moonhashkwed maa wii-gtiged, mii gii-ni-kosdood niw gaa-bkojbidoojin, mii dash go naa iw gaa-baateg niw niibiishan bbaa-dzhiikewaad giw binoojiinyag mii iw gii-biijmaamaawaad niw semaan.
>And this Indian was weeding intending to make a garden there, and he piled up what he pulled out, and after the leaves dried the children were playing there and they smelled tobacco.
>Grammar note: Contains relative root /daN/.
>Full-vowel form: dazhiike.