>3sCCONJ endgit; 1 have something wrong with one. Aaniish endgit? Gaawii go gegoo dsii.
>What's wrong with him/her? There's nothing wrong with him/her. MC2011.cs. Aaniish go naa aapji endyaanh!?
>What on earth is the matter with me!? (a rhetorical question) MC2011.cs
>. Aaniish endyek? Gaa go gegoo ndoo-dsiimi.
>What's wrong with you (pl.)? There's nothing wrong with us (exc.). MC2011.cs. Aaniish endgiwaat? OR Aaniish endwaat?
>What's wrong with them? MC2011.cs. Aaniish endyin?! Gaa na gegoo gnistat-ziin?
>What's wrong with you? Don't you understand anything? MC2005.cs. Nishaa go maaba zhichge; gaawii gegoo maaba dsii!
>This guy's just faking; there's nothing wrong with him! MC2005.cs. Bbaa-zhaak go enji-niimding; gaa go gegoo nga-dsii bekaa zhanda ddanziyaanh.
>Go ahead and go to the dance; nothing will happen to me staying here quietly. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: dågi.