Newash Reserve Surrender, Sarawak Township
Newash Reserve Surrender, Sarawak Township
Newash Reserve Surrender, Sarawak Township

The Chippewas of the Newash Band have surrendered unto Her Majesty Queen Victoria 10,000 acres of land located on the westerly side of Owen Sound in the Georgian Bay. The lands are to be sold by the Crown for the benefit of the Indians
First Nation surrendering lands
Indian Treaties and Surrenders.
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paper, ink, red ink, wax
4 doodemag, 9 red wax seals
Description of Land Surrendered:
The Chiefs and Warriors of the Newash Band of Chippewa Indians residing at Owen Sound do surrender unto Her Majesty Queen Victoria, that certain parcel of land lying and being on the westerly side of Owen Sound in the Georgian Bay, known as the Newash Reserve, containing about 10 thousand acres of land, which tract of land is butted and bounded as follows: On the north-east by the water of Owen Sound, on the north-west by the head line road between the seventeenth and eighteenth concessions of the Township of Keppel and the southerly boundary of the lands previously occupied by the Caughnawaga Indians, on the south-west by a straight line as represented by Mr. Rankin's plan of survey, being the boundary between the said reserve and the said Township of Keppel, and on the south-east by the head line between Concession A of Keppel and the strip of land surrendered in the year 1851.
This land was surrendered to Her Majesty the Queen for the purpose of sale. The monies arising from sale were for the sole use and benefit of the Chippewa Indians, with minor deductions for the land survey and the management of the sale. There were also the following conditions:
1.) Each Indian family shall receive 25 acres of land for their occupation and cultivation
2.) 1000 pounds shall be advanced form the proceeds of the first sale for the erection of frame dwelling houses at Cape Crocker
3.) Each individual of the tribe shall receive ten pounds from the proceeds of the first sale paid on the land, and the tribe shall be entitled hereafter to receive from the principal arising from such a sale a sum sufficient to build a church or other improvement the Gov. Gen. may approve of
4.) One acre be reserved and set apart for a burial ground
Michael Turner
W.R. Bartlett
E.J. Chesley
Crown Signatories:
R.T. Pennefather, Superintendent General
S.Y. Chesley
First Nations Signatories:
Peter Jones Kegedonce
George Arthur Tabegwun
John Thomas Wabatick
John Snake
Abner Elliott
John Johnson
Charles Keeshick
Date document signed
Canada, Indian Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890, 2 vols., (Ottawa: Queen’s Printer, 1891), 1: 213-214.
About This GRASAC Record
9 February 1857, Newash Reserve Surrender Sarawak Township, Library and Archives Canada, Indian Affairs, D-10a, Series A, Volume 1845, Reel T-9939, GAD REF IT208,, (heritage item id no. 3189, accessed [date]).
This record was created under the direction of Heidi Bohaker as part of a larger research project funded by an Aboriginal Research Grant titled “Braiding Knowledges: Anishinaabe Heritage in Community Perspective”from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
43.6511, -79.347
Location of treaty lands