>vai comm.
>1sIND nbibaa-zhaa;
>3sCCONJ bebaa-zhaat; 1 go someplace. Gii-makwamiiwizikosegoban dash iw apii, gaa dash maamidaa noopiming wii-babaa-izhaawaad igiw adikwag.
>Ice must have been forming over everything, and on account of that those caribou will be able to go all around in the backwoods. GM1940.rn. Gwii-bbaa-wiijiiwaa na gbapaa daawegamgoong bbaa-zhaat?
>Do you want to go with your dad when he goes to the store? MC2005.cs. Postcard-an ngii-bi-niindaa'ik Gchi-gaming gii-bbaa-zhaat.
>He sent me a postcard when he went overseas. MC2005.cs. Bbaa-zhaak go enji-niimding; gaa go gegoo nga-dsii bekaa zhanda ddanziyaanh.
>Go ahead and go to the dance; nothing will happen to me staying here quietly. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: bIbaa-izhaa.