Prideaux Selby to Alexander McKee, 17 May 1793
Prideaux Selby to Alexander McKee, 17 May 1793
Prideaux Selby to Alexander McKee, 17 May 1793
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Letter between Indian Department officials: Selby updates McKee about the situation in Detroit including preparations for a council. Topics mentioned: Chippewas/Ottawas, Sagina, corn, Felicity (ship), deaths of captains, French revolutionary wars.
In Document: Chippawa; [S]agina;
Author of letter.
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Ink on paper
Selby notes the Ottawas (called Chippewas in document) and the Sagina have arrived for the council. A vessel called the Felicity is supposed to be delivering corn for attendees, but it is late and he will be in a terrible state if more Nations arrive before the Felicity does. Selby also discusses where various battalions are located and the reported deaths of a couple of captains including Lautons, Porter, Stewart, Hamilton, and Stevenson. He also informs Colonel McKee that the members of the Royal Family of France have been killed: the King on the 21st of January and the Queen and rest of the royal family two days later. France has subsequently declared war on England and Holland. England is responding by bolstering its military forces.
Date given in document.
About This GRASAC Record
Prideaux Selby to Alexander McKee, 17 May 1793. Currently in Library and Archives Canada. Claus Papers, Vol. 5 (M.G. 19, F1) reel C1479, pp. 125-126. Item described as part of a GRASAC research project, summer 2010, and consulted. (GKS ID: 109, accessed [date]).
Created by Research Assistant Aaron Mills during the first summer of the SSHRC Aboriginal Research Grant 2007 to 2010
Record reviewed by Research Assistant Jessica Ye during the winter of 2021