Josette Debassige with her quill baskets
Josette Debassige with her quill baskets
Josette Debassige with her quill baskets
Photograph of Josette Debassige, M'Chigeeng First Nation, with her quill baskets. This photo was taken at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation on Manitoulin Island in the Fall of 1974.
Lewis Debassige, Artist's son.
Read More About This Relative
Josette Debassige (Lewis' mother) poses with three quill boxes made in her distinctive style: undyed quills, snowflake motif. Josette had her work exhibited in the ROM, and as far abroad as Germany. Toward the end of her life, Lewis says, her patron bought all of her remaining work in cash.
Lewis Debassige
This photo was taken at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation on Manitoulin Island in the Fall of 1974, by the OCF. A copy of the photo was given to Josette, who passed it down to her son, Lewis.
About This GRASAC Record
Josette Debassige with her quill baskets, Ojibwe Cultural Foundation, photograph, grasac_2055. Currently at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation. Item viewed and described as part of a GRASAC research trip September 2009; GRASAC item id 1050.
The information in this entry was told to Crystal Migwans by Lewis Debassige at the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation Sept 18, 2009, in the form of a series of stories relating to each image in the collection. Lewis agreed to share these stories Crystal took notes, using Lewis' exact words where possible, and entered it in the database afterward. These stories were shared with us at the formal request of Cory Wilmott.