>pv comm. 1 as [another], like a certain thing. 2 to a certain place, towards a certain place, in a certain direction. Mii dash gwyak odi gaa-zhi-giiwewaad Neyaashii-nagmiing.
>And they went straight home to Cape Croker. AK1976.rs. 3 how [to do something], in a certain manner, way [of doing something], thus (in such way), and so. Gii-nshkaadzi dash aw mdimooyenh, "Gaawiin niin ndaa-gkinoohmaagsii waya ge-zhi-gnawenmag aw nnooshenh."
>Then the old woman got mad, "Not me, nobody should instruct me how to raise my grandchild." AK1976.rs. Mii dash gaa-nendang, "Nga-gtaamgoz ji-gkendmaan iw sa ezhi-nokiiwaad giw giigoonykewninwag."
>And he thought thus, "I'll strive so I'll know how these fishermen work." AK1976.rs. 4 go ahead without preparation, go ahead despite not being ready.
>Full-vowel form: izhi.