
Definition: already, by now, by this time

LH 1 already, by now, by this time. Otahaa! Mii giiwenh zhaazhi go aabta-giigoonywid wa!
>Goodness! He is already half-fish! SO1971.rs
. Mii giiwenh go bi-miishkoonskaag go zhaazhi go, miinwaa go bi-mtigoonskaag.
>There was already lots of grass sprouting, and also lots of little trees. SO1971.rs
. 2 quite a while ago, long ago. Mii-sh giiwenh ko zhaazhi gaa-zhiwebak.
>This is what generally happened long ago. SO1971.rs
. Mii maanda gaa-zhichgewaad zhaazhi go giw sa bemaadzijig.
>This is the way those people did of old. AM1937.rs
. Ngii-noondaanan gwa zhaazhi.
>I heard those things long ago. AM1937.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73072639512n
GKS Reference Number: 22835