
Definition: ever

comm. 1 ever. Endgwen wiikaa maaba nmishoomis gaa-nsaagwen ninwan.
>I wonder whether this grandfather of mine ever killed a man. AM1937.rs
. 2 late, after some appropriate time. Ngii-wiindmaagnaan, zaam wiikaa ngii-bi-yaami.
>He told us that we had come too late. AM1937.rs
. Zaam wiikaa ngii-dgoshin, aazhi dash gii-maajiibzogba aw shkode-daabaan.
>I got there too late; it appeared the train had already departed. AM1937.rs
. 3 after a time, after a long time. Wiikaa-sh giiwenh go gii-nkwetam.
>After a time he answered. FF1975.rs
. Wiikaa baamaa ogii-gikenimaawaan gii-boozinid ashkode-jiimaaning.
>It was a long time before they found out that he had boarded the steamboat. AW1941.rn
. 4 rarely, only rarely. Wiikaa-sh go naa wiiyaas wgii-yaanaawaa.
>So they only rarely had meat. NS1975.rs
. 5 never (with a negative adverb such as gaa or gaawii. Gaa_wiikaa ngii-nendziin "zaasgokwaan"!
>I never have forgotten that word zaasgokwaan— frying pan. NS1975.rs
. Gaa wiikaa da-bi-yaasii.
>She will never come. AM1937.rs
. Gego wiikaa nsaaken aw en'goonh.
>Don't ever kill ants. AM1937.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n730720991n
GKS Reference Number: 21991