>pv comm.
>CCONJ waa-; 1 going to [do something], want to [do something], intend [to do something], in order to [do something]. Mii-sh gaa-zhi-giigdod aw, "Gego doodwishkegon iw, gaawiin niin gwii-mji-doodoosnoonim.
>And then he spoke thus, "Don't do that to me, I'm not going to harm you people. AK1976.rs. Bangiishenh bakwezhigan ogii-bimiwidoonaawaa wii-wiisiniwaad.
>They took along a little bread to eat. AW1941.rn. Mii wenji-izhichigeyaan wenizhishid anini wii-makawag wii-wiidigemaad ahaw nindaanis."
>I arranged this because I wanted to find a suitable man for my daughter here to marry." AW1941.rn. 2 future tense, in the future. Mii dash gii-maajdemod aw gwiiwzens mii dash gaa-god niw doodooman, "Gego mwiken, wii-znagad iw ji-nshikewziyan."
>And the boy started to cry so his mother said to him, "Don't cry, it'll be hard if you should be alone." AK1976.rs. Miinawaa aniibiishaaboo ozhitood waa-aawang anooj gegoo gaa wii ogiishpinadoosiin.
>Also when he prepares the various things that are to take the place of tea, he does not buy them. AW1941.rn. Aapiji gii-godagizi wii-bimaadizid.
>She had a hard struggle to remain alive. AW1941.rn. Giizhoogzhen; wii-gsinaa nii giiyenh nongo.
>Cover up well; it's supposed to be cold tonight. MC2005.cs. 3 be in need of. (non-living things) Waagaakwad wii-giinboode.
>The axe needs sharpening. AM1937.rs. 4 please. Gego wii-gsaaken giw nimoog; gaa wii gegoo gdaa-doodaagsiig.
>Don't be afraid of those dogs; they won't do anything to you. AM1937.rs. "Ahaaw, ambe wii-onishkaan.
>"Well, please get up. AW1941.rn. "Ahaaw, wii-jiibaakwen.
>"Come, do your cooking. AW1941.rn. 5 seeking to [do something]. Anishaa go naa godagizi wii-bimosed.
>For some reason he has a hard time walking. AW1941.rn. 6 in order to [do something]. Aabdig go nii-yaanan mzinhignan wii-skoonwiyaanh.
>I had to have the books to go to school. FF1975.rs. E-ni-kiwenziinywid giiwenh gchi-oodenaang gii-zhaa wii-waabmaad mshkikiiwninwan.
>Many years later when the Indian had become an old man, he went to the city to see a doctor. FF1975.rs.
>Full-vowel form: wii.