
Definition: somebody or other, whoever

LH 1 somebody or other, whoever. Aadsookewag shkinwenyshag wegwenh nwanj ge-giinwishkaajmogwenh.
>The young men tell stories to see who can tell the tallest tale. NS1975.rs
. Maaba gwiiwzens gosaan wegwen bi-yaan'jin.
>This boy is afraid of whoever comes in here. AM1937.rs
. Wegwen dash aw ge-gshkitoogwen ji-zhngwaadzig mii aw gbeyhiing ge-bmaadzid, da-ntaa-ndawenjge da-nbwaakaa miinwaa gwyak da-zhi-yaa.
>And whoever may be able to keep it down he's the one who will live for a long time, he'll be a good hunter, he'll be clever and he'll behave right. AK1976.rs
>Grammar note:
Requires an associated verb to be in the conjunct.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Pronoun Animate pronoun
Unique ID: n73032778106n
GKS Reference Number: 21832