>av comm. 1 more [than another], more [than at another time]. Washme wiin kiwenziinywi.
>He is a still older man. AM1937.rs. Washme da-mchaani jiibaakwegamik shkwaa-aan'kegeyaat.
>Their kitchen will be bigger after they add on. MC2005.cs. Nga-aashktooshnanaa maaba mdaamin; washme e-zoongang mshkimat nga-nakaazan.
>I'll transfer this corn; I'll use a stronger bag. MC2005.cs. Mtakmik daangshin wa kik; washme shpiming goosh.
>That pail is touching the ground; hang it up higher. MC2005.cs. Bekaanak jiimaan gii-yaan; washme mechaak.
>He got another boat; one that's bigger. MC2005.cs. 2 more than [some point of reference], beyond [some point of reference]. Ngii-baatiinmin mdaaso go washme ngii-dchimin.
>There were many of us, we were more than ten. AK1976.rs. Gbeyiing go gii-ddanzi -- ngo-namegiizhik go washme.
>She stayed for a long time -- more than a week. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: awashime.