

1 the changed form of the preverb <nish>wii-</nish>. Mii maanda nango waa-wiindmoon'gog, nwiijkiwenydig, giinwaa mnik bezndaageyeg.
>It is this story that I will now tell you about, my friends, those of you who are listening. SO1971.rs
. Gaawii gegoo bbaamziwin zhiwi ndeyaa-ziin; wiin go gewii waa-zhichget.
>I have no business there; whatever he wants to do [it's up to him]. MC2005.cs
>Grammar note:
Requires an associated verb to be in the conjunct order.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n201132120-48-49n
GKS Reference Number: 23743