Language Items
You can search the dictionaries in two ways. Enter an English term and then search for it in Anishnaabemowin, Cayuga or both languages (select "Any"). Or, select a letter to see the Anishinaabemowin and/or Cayuga terms beginning with that letter. "{" indicates a dependent noun - one that cannot appear without a pronoun.
it (an.), that (an.), that [person]
go and [do sth.]
use sth. (an.)
white porcupine
marsh hawk
snowy owl
wedding cake
be pale
be whitish from being heated
be whitish from being heated
have gray eyes
be gray
be gray
gray cloud, white cloud
be gray, be grayish, be pale, be whitish
be gray, be grayish, be pale, be whitish
be faded [by the sun]
be faded [by the sun]
be dawn, be light out [in the morning], get light out [in
be ripe, ripen
be in a [protective medical] cast , be plastered
plaster a wall
see; [be able to] see, be sighted
white rice
be pale-faced [as from fright]
be gray, be pale, be whitish, turn gray, turn pale, turn whitish
be gray, be pale, be whitish, turn gray, turn pale, turn whitish
a strand of gray hair, a strand of white hair
get gray hair, have gray hair, have one's hair turn gray
see smb.
be pale
be pale
drink till dawn
look pale, look white; turn pale, turn white
look pale, look white, turn pale, turn white
show something to smb.
show things to one another
exhibit things
see sth.
see something belonging to smb.
be able to see, manage to see
see something belonging to smb.
examine things, take an appreciative look at gifts, take an appreciative look
be out visiting until dawn, go out all night
see one another
feed smb. until spring (of livestock)
gamble until dawn, play games until dawn, play cards until dawn
least bittern (bird of the heron family with mottled brownish feathers)
look at a magazine, read a magazine
east, in the east
common mullein (herbaceous plant of the figwort family)
be gray, be white, turn gray, turn white
have white teeth
be white (of stone or metal)
be white (of stone or metal)
be white
be lightly sprinkled with snow
be white (of trees)
colour sth. white, paint sth. white
colour sth. (an.) white, paint sth. (an.) white
be gray, be white, turn gray, turn white
paint sth. white
paint sth. white
species of large stinging insect
white cloth
be white (in race), have white skin
be white-headed, have one's hair turn white, have white hair, be hoary
be gray, be white, turn gray, turn white
be ripe, ripen
be pale, be white, turn pale, turn white
leave smb. in the dust [in a contest], be soundly beating smb.
swan, whistling swan
be bent, be crooked, be warped, warp
make axe handles
axe handle
axe handle
move in a semi-circle
screech owl
move in a semi-circle
grow bent, grow crooked
grow bent, grow crooked
be warped
have a curved nose
bend, bend over