shi aabta

Definition: half past [the hour]

shi aabta expr 1 half past [the hour]. Naazho-dbagnek shi aabta gii-dgoshin. He arrived at half past two. MC2005.cs. Giiwaajbizwak mbus-ak; ngodbagnek wa bezhik bgambiza, naakwek-shi-aabta dash gewii wa bezhik maajiibza. The buses have uncomplementary schedules; one arrives at one o'clock, and the other leaves at twelve-thirty. MC2005.cs. Grammar note: This compounding element requires a number term as root, to specify the hour. Full-vowel form: ashi aabita.

Part of speech: Expression/Interjection
Unique ID: n72972558739n
GKS Reference Number: 292
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