
Definition: to a certain degree, to a certain extent, to such a degree, to such an extent, how, to what extent, so


epiichi-; 1 to a certain degree, to a certain extent, to such a degree, to such an extent, how, to what extent, so. Aaniish giiyenh waa-piichi-gsinaak waabang?
>How cold is it supposed to be tomorrow? MC2005.cs
. Ndaa-gchi-miw epiichi-nboodewziyaanh.
>I'm so lonesome I could cry. MC2005.cs
. Gaawii go nda-piichi-boogshkaa-sii wi.
>I'm not THAT broke. MC2005.cs
. 2 in the process of..., while. Piichi-zaasgokweyaanh dash gegii gga-piichi-zhiitaa wii-o-skoonwiyin.
>But while I'm frying, you get ready to go to school. IT1991.rs
>Grammar note:
Contains relative root /apiiT/.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n73033932176n
GKS Reference Number: 21043