
Definition: for nothing, for no apparent reason

comm. 1 for nothing, for no apparent reason. Gnabaj ge shkinweg giiwshkwebiidgenag, nishaa naandgozwag.
>The young men must be drunk; they are carrying on in a rough way for no apparent reason.
. Anishaa go naa godagizi wii-bimosed.
>For some reason he has a hard time walking. AW1941.rn
. "Gaa go gegoo ngii-doodwaa-sii wa; nishaa go mwi," kida.
>"I didn't do anything to her; she's crying for nothing," he says. MC2005.cs
. 2 in fun, just joking, in jest. Nishaa gsha naa baapzhitaagzi wa, gaawii go wii-nshkimik.
>He's just kidding around, [it's] not to make you angry. MC2005.cs
. Nishaa go naa nbaapzhimaa; daa-baapi naa gnamaa.
>I'm just kidding her; maybe she'll laugh. MC2005.cs
. Nishaa go naa gdi-nin. Na'ii daa-kidam...
>I'm telling you this in jest. Actually, one would say... MC2007.cs
. 3 allege, claim, assert spuriously. Nishaa go niwin wa gii-dgwaadmawaan; gaa go waawaach wiikaa n'kweshkaa-siin niwin wa.
>She alleged that he was dating that person; she's never even met him. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n71432976899n
GKS Reference Number: 20304